Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's that time of year again. Many people are gearing down, getting ready to take a breather. But for the Shallowford Chapel Choir, things are just about to get cranked up. Just a few days left until we begin tour rehearsals (kinda the singers equivalent to football two-a-days), start packing our bags, and say goodbye.

You have two chances to hear the choir before they shove off. Sunday afternoon, June 3 at Shallowford Presbyterian and Monday, June 4 at Memorial Drive Presbyterian along with our friends from Bountiful Bags. We hope you'll come show your support and send us off with a bang. These concerts are also great to bring your friends and neighbors to as well.

It has been a long two years of planning, preparation, and fundraising, but it has all lead us to the exciting days ahead of us. We certainly could not have done it without the love and support from literally thousands of people who have helped in different ways to make this tour possible. We thank you all in advance and we can't wait to share our message and our collective voice with you all.


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