Sunday, June 16, 2013
Well we're finally back in Georgia! We woke up bright and early for a private breakfast of eggs, bacon and donuts at the hotel, and got on the road around 9. One of two mall stops was today, and it couldn't have come at a better time for those of us that still lacked Father's Day presents. We had a leisurely two hours to shop around, eat lunch and get back on the bus for two more hours of driving, making the drive to Moultrie only about four hours total.

Once rehearsal began, kids were dropping like flies. We were all weary from the exhausting past two days, and our voices were pretty much shot. Several tummies became upset after our (fantastic) Breakfast for Dinner which was prepared by the men of the church. (Hear that husbands??)

However somehow we always end up pulling things together for the show, where we sang with energy and smiles on our faces, giving it are all. I'm not even kidding this time! Jimmy Moore had fun taking pictures during our concert, even though the majority are of his thumb, so there aren't many picture updates for the day.

We'll be singing tomorrow morning in worship, and then heading up to Atlanta armed with sack lunch subs and ideas floating through our minds about the Homecoming concert. Knowing that our own beds are in the distant future will make the three hour drive go quickly; we can't wait to get back to our regular (or as regular as a teenager can get) sleep schedules.

Faith, hope, and love.
But the greatest of these is sleep.

See you all tomorrow!


Sethish said...

Is the title of this a reference to something? I have ran into it a few times and I can't find where it is from. I read it in an Zelazny book once, but I am not sure if is the source

Unknown said...

This post was pretty awesome,thanks for sharing your point of view through this nice blogspot.

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