Saturday, June 15, 2013
As I type, my entire body aches. Eleven hours at a theme park is no walk in the park. In fact, it's really just walking in the hot sun, standing in lines, and wishing for a cold shower. And it. Was. Awesome.

This morning we woke up early enough for some of us to have a chance to see the sunrise over the beach (okay, okay, that was just me) and then drive an hour to Orlando. About five minutes after entering the park, we were already seeking out shade and fanning our faces. However, once the day got going, we all had fun. We raced around the park making good time and getting to all the rides. After we had finished everything we wanted to do, a whole hour had gone by! Most people ended up riding the Incredible Hulk or the Dragon Challenge Roller Coaster about 6 or 10 times. In between rides, we stopped to drink refreshing Butterbeer from Harry Potter world, and to buy 10 dollar chocolate frogs.

By the end of the day, we all walked with a slower stride, completely exhausted. Some fell asleep within minutes of sitting down, whereas others at least waited to sleep until we were moving. All in all, it was a fun, but extremely tiring day. We can't wait to sing tomorrow with our new raspy voices from roller coaster screams! Emily will be so pleased!

Tomorrow's a 7 hour drive in total before our final stop in Moultrie, GA. While this choir tour has gone by fast, after today, I think we're all beginning to miss our own beds. We'll see you all soon!



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