Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What better way to start off the day than shopping. In the rain!! Actually, it poured right as we got to Broadway at the Beach but only enough for us to buy every $6 poncho in the entire place. Then of course the sun came out and it got nice and sticky and humid. The kids all spent money on really quality souvenirs. You know, things like:

skateboards, magic tricks, fart spray, stuffed animals, fake tattoos and real piercings, cap guns, etc. A few of them even had money left to eat lunch with.

After the shopping spree it was a stop and go ride down Highway 17 through Myrtle Beach, Litchfield, Pawley's Island, and Georgetown all the way to Charleston. We went straight to the Bishop Gadsden Retirement Community where the wheelchairs were already being rolled into the chapel and folks were eagerly anticipating their afternoon entertainment. After singing "This Little Light of Mine" to a room full of preschool and elementary age children in Columbia, it was pretty powerful to now be singing "Hold Me, Rock Me" to the other end of the spectrum. It's amazing how lyrics take on such new and powerful meaning as they enter into a particular context...

I've walked many hills and valleys, 
but when I cross that river I'll be free. 
Hold me, rock me calm and easy
Hold me, rock me deep and wide
Hold me, rock me in your arms
Oh I gotta home on the other side. 

We had a few more connections and ties to the crowd tonight with Conor and Sanders grandfather and aunt in attendance as well as Miffy Moore's stepmom. Since you've seen videos of nearly all the songs, I decided to capture some of the still shots from today. I hope you can see the intensity, focus, and joy in their eyes.

After the concert, it was off to Folly Beach for a low-key night walking around the lazy beach town, volleyball, a trip down the pier, and of course seafood! It was a great way to unwind from another day.

Tonight we have our first hotel night of the tour! Doors are taped shut and everyone is in their place. Tomorrow it's back to Charleston proper for some time downtown in the markets and lunch before heading off to Atlantic Beach. I leave you with a couple more videos from tonight's performance.


Unknown said...

Love the blogs! It's so wonderful to hear how all the concerts, the travel and their down time is going! Thanks for all the photos, videos and anecdotes!

R Phillips said...

Ditto to what Kristine said here.


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